Deborah Enos on

Why You Must Eat Breakfast | About.Com

Transcript: Why You Must Eat Breakfast

One of my favorite ways to blast belly fat is by eating more food. People who eat breakfast, especially first thing in the morning within about 30 to 45 minutes of getting up, burn an additional 250 calories a day; which after 12 months works out to be 14 pounds of fat you would burn. Otherwise if you skip breakfast, you wouldn’t be burning it.

So, here’s the good news. Greek yogurt — fantastic breakfast. Studies have also shown that Greek yogurt or specifically dairy products have been shown to help get rid of belly fat. I love Greek yogurt with a few berries in the morning.

Another good option for breakfast if you’re in a hurry is to get a low sugar, high protein bar. One my favorites is Kind bar. This is dark chocolate with almonds; low sugar… about seven grams of sugar per bar. You’ll start blasting belly fat immediately if you start eating breakfast first thing in the morning.

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